Fan 20 oant en mei 22 novimber fynt yn Hüsem/Husum, yn Noard-Fryslân (Dútslân), it European Minority Film Festival plak. It festival begjint op tongersdeitejûn om 18.00 oere mei de film “Y Syrcas”, makke yn Wales. Ek sil toand wurde:
– in pilot fan “Bannan” (Skotlân)
– “Loreak” (makke troch de Basken)
– “I’m not famous but I´m Aromanian” (Roemenie)
Dêrneist sil der noch in Sorbyske film sjen litten wurde. Op sneontejûn is der in ôfslutend gala mei live muzyk.
Sjoch foar mear ynformaasje en it folsleine program hjir.
About the Film Festival
The EMFF is a film festival on a European level for feature films in minority languages, which means those authochtonous small nations and minorities in particular without a so-called kin-state in the background. These are e.g. the Frisians in the Netherlands and Germany, the Sorbs in Germany, the Sami in Scandinavia, the Welsh, Scottish and Cornish in Great Britain, Sinti and Roma, Rhaetians in Switzerland, Basques and Catalans in Spain or Bretons in France.
Within the framework of the festival five chosen feature films, all with English or German subtitles and all from different regions, will be shown on three evenings. Among these films an independant Jury will vote the winner of the European Minority Film Award.
The festival is aimed at the cineastic minded people from North Friesland and other regions in Europe where small nations are situated. The organisers are expecting numerous representatives of the minorities and small nations which are organized in the Federal Union of European Nationalities. As guests actors and directors of certain feature films will also be invited.