Republic of Ireland MEP told to stop speaking in Irish in EU Parliament – ‘Either you use another language or unfortunately I cannot give you the floor…’

Republic of Ireland MEP was told to stop speaking in Irish in EU Parliament this week during a meeting of the Economic and Finance Committees, despite having asked permission two weeks previously, and providing her own interpreter.

Republic of Ireland MEP Liadh Ní Riada has begun a ‘stailc teanga’ (language strike) lasting until the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish-language week) as a protest against the derogation on Irish in the EU and to highlight the Irish Government’s lack of movement in securing an end to the languages second-class status. This means she will only speak Irish in my work with the European Institutions as a protest against the derogation. My aim is to draw attention to derogation and to encourage the Irish Language community and the Irish people in general to put pressure on the Government to remedy the situation. Continue reading “Republic of Ireland MEP told to stop speaking in Irish in EU Parliament – ‘Either you use another language or unfortunately I cannot give you the floor…’”

Debat ‘Earlik oer Europa’ op 8 maaie

‘Earlik oer Europa’ is de titel fan it grutte Europa-debat fan it EU-netwerk Noord-Nederland. By dit netwurk binne ûnder oare de Europeeske Beweging yn Nederlân, Europa Direct, LTO Noord en ek it EBLT oansletten. It giet nei alle gedachten om ít Europeeske Debat fan it Noarden. It sil heve op 8 maaie 2014, om 20:00 oere jûns yn de Reade Seal fan it Abe Lenstrastadion op It Hearrenfean.

De diskusje oer Europa is op ‘t heden tige libben; folle libbener as yn it ferline it gefal wie. De kommende Europeeske Ferkiezings fan 22 maaie binne foar de politike partijen dan ek seker gjin ferplicht nûmer. De folgjende kandidaten foar it Europeesk Parlemint dogge oan it debat mei: Bas Eickhout (GrienLinks), Agnes Jongerius (PvdA), Wim Eilering (CDA), Jan Huitema (VVD), Bas Belder (SGP), Fenna Feenstra (SP), Raoul Boucke (D66) en Ton van Kesteren (PVV).
Continue reading “Debat ‘Earlik oer Europa’ op 8 maaie”