Festival ‘Suns Europe’ yn Friûlië freget om ferskes, film en literatuer yn lytse talen


Festival Suns Europa yn Udine, Italië sil begjin desimber op ‘e nij muzyk, film en literatuer yn minderheidstalen yn it sintsje sette. Muzikanten, filmmakkers en skriuwers dy’t hjiroan meidwaan wolle kinne harren oant 5 oktober ynskriuwe fia de website. Ferline jier die foar Fryslân it muzikale duo ‘Marit & Nigel’ mei oan Suns; net sûnder súkses, want it jonge duo waard doe twadde op it sjongfestival.

Foar dit jier krige it EBLT fan ús Europeeske netwurk NPLD de folgjende oprop, dy’t wy hjir publisearje:

SUNS EUROPE IS BACK! New website and call for the 2016 edition now online

Udine and its region, Friûl, are ready to be once again the heart of European creativity and of linguistic and cultural diversity. In less than two months, SUNS Europe will be back: from the 29th of November to the 3rd of December, the European festival of performing arts in minority languages will award the best music, video and literary production in such languages of the continent.

Both the information and the form to fill in order to participate are online on www.sunseurope.com, on which you will find also a suitable page where to upload all textual, audio and audio visual projects.

The deadline to send the form will be on the 5th of October 2016. Leo Virgili, well known musician and artistic director of Suns Europe, says: “We received many requests for information and updates regarding the festival, from Sardinia, Finland, Ireland, Russia, Galicia and Wales. The competition announcement has been online for a few days now and some candidacies were already submitted”.

From its beginning in 2009, SUNS has always been a traveling festival, last year’s edition being SUNS Sardinia. This year, the music shortlisting of music groups from the Alpine – Mediterranean area will be called SUNS Ladinia and it will take place on the 19th of November in the “Teatro Nalvage di Moena” in “Val di Fassa”.All information concerning such event are available on our website, www.sunseurope.com.

ARLeF (Regional agency for Friulian language) supports SUNS Europe since its foundation, which benefits also from the patronage of European Council. Radio Onde Furlane is the coordinator of the festival, in collaboration with Punto Zero, the Municipality of Udine and Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine.

SUNS Europe is part of the EFFE network (Europe for Festivals – Festivals for Europe), and also enjoys the patronage of the Council of Europe and the NPLD (Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity


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