Rapporten NPLD oer regionale talen of minderheidstalen en de EU.

It Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) hat twa rapporten útbrocht oer regionale talen en minderheidstalen (RML) yn de Europeeske Uny, mei in praktyske analyze fan de tagonklikheid fan EU-programma’s en in analyze fan guon administrative oerienkomsten oer it brûken fan RML yn Spanje en it FK.

Accessibility for Regional or Minority Languages to EU programmes. A practical assessment represents a first attempt to investigate how funding opportunities for RMLs have been used and allocated over the period 2014-2020. It is the joint result between the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, hosted by the Fryske Akademy, and the Directorate-General for Language Policy of the Government of Catalonia, with the financial support of the European Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity.

Analysing the EU agreements with Spain and the UK on the use of Regional or Minority Languages. A practical assessment aims to evaluate certain agreements to see how (in)effective these have been. The report also explores the possibilities of expanding these agreements to other RMLs in other Member States. The report has been developed by researchers from the University of Barcelona and coordinated by the Directorate-General for Language Policy of the Government of Catalonia, with the financial support of the European Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity.

Mear ynformaasje en de rapporten
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Ynternasjonale Memmetaledei 2021

It is hjoed 21 febrewaris, dat wy fiere fansels Ynternasjonale Memmetaledei!

Dat dogge wy graach mei in kompilaasjefideo fan sprutsen tradysjes fan it Baskysk, Friulysk, Katalaansk, Sweedsk, Hongaarsk, Frysk en Iersk sjen. Dy fideo fan it NPLD, Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity is hjir te sjen. Spitigernôch is ús ynstjoering fan Dichter fan Fryslân Nyk de Vries net opnommen yn dy kompilaasje. Wy nûgje elkenien dêrom ek út te harkjen en sjen nei de Vries syn gedicht ‘Anne en Arie’.

Sûnt 2000 wurdt de Ynternasjonale Memmetaledei fierd om beide it ferskaat oan taal en kultuer en meartaligens te befoarderjen.

De Faeröer Eilannen en Fryslân

Fan ’e wike ferskine tagelyk by de Fryske útjouwerij Afûk en by de Faeröerske útjouwerij Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags twa bysûndere nije boeken. ‘De Beam’ is de Fryske titel fan it oarspronklik Faeröerske printeboek TRÆIÐ, skreaun en tekene troch Bárður Oskarsson. ‘Tije – drongurin og rottumaðurin’ is de Faeröerske titel foar it oarspronklik Fryske (foar)lêsboek ‘Tije’, skreaun en tekene troch Mirjam van Houten.

Fan it NPLD (Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity) út, dêr’t deputearre Sietske Poepjes it foarsitterskip krekt fan oerdroegen hat, hat Fryslân bannen mei ferskate regio’s op it mêd fan taal. Sa kaam it dat de earste bûtenlânske wurkbesite fan Arno Brok as Kommissaris fan de Kening him yn maart 2019 nei de Faeröer eilannen brocht om dêr de kulturele en ekonomyske bannen mei Fryslân oan te heljen. By in gearkomste mei Hanna Jensen, de Faeröerske minister fan kultuer en edukaasje dêr’t ek Niels Jákup Thomsen fan Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags útnûge wie, ûntstie it idee fan in ‘book-swap’. Kommissaris Brok seach fuortendaliks de mooglikheden.

In moanne letter, op de berneboekebeurs yn Bologna, socht útjouwer Ernst Bruinsma fan de Afûk foar it earst kontakt mei útjouwer Niels Jákup Thomsen. Dêr moete hy ek de skriuwer Bárður Oskarsson. It gesprek krige in ferfolch op de Buchmesse yn Frankfurt en dêr waard definityf de ôfspraak makke om in boek fan elkoar út te jaan. De Afûk keas foar it priiswinnende boek ‘De beam’ fan skriuwer en yllustrator Bárður Oskarsson (Tórshavn, 1972) en Thomsen keas mei syn team ‘Tije’ út fan skriuwer en yllustrator Mirjam van Houten (Beetstersweach, 1977). Bysûnder oan beide titels is (ek) dat de skriuwers multytalinten binne en sels de yllustraasjes foar harren boek makke hawwe.

Auteur Mirjam van Houten rikt it earste Faeröerske eksimplaar fan ‘Tije’ út oan KdK Brok en deputearre Poepjes. Foto: Hoge Noorden/Jacob van Essen.


Nij Ried fan Bestjoer NPLD

It NPLD, Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity, hat op 1 desimber in nij bestjoerformaasje krigen,
mei Agustina Vilaret González as nije foarsitter. Njonken González hawwe William Cisilino en Bethan Webb sit.
Lês hjir mear.

Dêrmei komt der nei trije jier in ein oan it foarsitterskip fan deputearre Sietske Poepjes:

The story of Frisian in multilingual Friesland

Reitze J.Jonkman & Arjen P. Versloot

Nei de súksesfolle útjeften fan dizze oersichtlike taalskiednis fan Fryslân yn it Frysk en yn it Nederlânsk, Fryslân lân fan talen, in skiednis is no ek in Ingelske oersetting ferskynd.

The story of Frisian in multilingual Friesland is in tige lêsber en ryk yllustrearre útjefte oer de skiednis fan it Frysk: wêr’t it weikomt, hoe âld at it is en dat it yn de rin fan de iuwen aardich wat feroare is en noch hieltyd feroaret. Hoe’t it plak yn de maatskippij net altyd itselde wie en wat syn posysje yn de lêste iuw wurden is.

Continue reading “The story of Frisian in multilingual Friesland”

Konferinsje “The Current Challenges for Minority Languages in today’s complex societies” yn Brussel

Op 9 novimber 2017 wie it EBLT oanwêzich by it kongres fan it Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) en Centre Maurits Coppieters yn Brussel. It tema fan it kongres wie “The Current Challenges for Minority Languages in today’s complex societies”, ferdield yn trije ûnderdielen, nammentlik migraasje en mobiliteit, ekonomy, en ûnderwiis.NPLD

Yn it iepeningswurd fan presidint Sietske Poepjes neamde sy de Brexit en de situaasje yn Kataloanië. It docht bliken dat de belangen fan naasjesteaten noch hieltiid boppe dy fan de regio’s en de minderheden lizze. Neffens frou Poepjes is gjin ien taal wichtiger as de oare, en moat elkenien de eigen taalidentiteit binnen in naasje hâlde kinne. Se neamde ek it belang fan it Minority SafePack Initiative, dat noch hieltiid in soad hântekenings nedich hat. It inisjatyf kin hjir tekene wurde.

Michael Teutsch, DG edukaasje, jongerein, sport en kultuer fan de Europeeske Kommisje, neamde de fokus op grinsregio’s foar de kommende jieren, en it ûntwikkeljen fan bettere learmetoades foar meartalige skoalklassen.

Continue reading “Konferinsje “The Current Challenges for Minority Languages in today’s complex societies” yn Brussel”

The president of NPLD Patxi Baztarrika meets Commissioner for Education and Culture Tibor Navracsics

NPLDThe Chair of NPLD and Vice-minister for Language Policy of the Basque Country, Patxi Baztarrika, will meet the Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Tibor Navracsics, to discuss the Commission’s lines of action on regional and minority languages in Europe The Chair of the NPLD and Vice-minister for Language Policy of the Basque Country, Patxi Baztarrika, and Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Tibor Navracsics will be meeting on 14th of July to discuss the European Commission’s lines of action the promotion of regional and minority languages of Europe. The meeting takes place after the hearing of Commissioner Navracsics before the European Parliament’s Intergroup on Languages in which he made a firm statement in support of multilingualism, with a special reference to Europe’s regional and minority languages. “There is no contradiction between preserving our regional and minority languages on the one hand and promoting the learning of additional languages that open up new horizons in today’s interconnected world on the other. This is the objective of the European Commission’s multilingualism policy” – he claimed. Continue reading “The president of NPLD Patxi Baztarrika meets Commissioner for Education and Culture Tibor Navracsics”

Joint NPLD-EFNIL Position paper on Language and Technology

EFNL logoLogo NPLD2020






On the occasion of the META-NET FORUM 2016 held in Lisbon, 4/5 th July 2016 the European Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity (NPLD) and the European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL) have written a joint position paper calling the European Union to reaffirm its commitment to linguistic diversity by ensuring that all the languages of Europe are able to benefit from the whole range of digital developments which now are taking place.

The position paper is titled: “Use the technology or lose your language? Will new communication tools and welfare robots speak our languages!” and can be accessed here.

New NPLD Chair: Patxi Baztarrika, Vice-Minister for Language Policy at the Basque Country

Foto: npld
Patxi Baztarrika, Vice-Minister for Language Policy at the Basque Country and Alex Riemersma, from the Province of Friesland have been elected Chair and Vice-Chair of the NPLD. Mr. Baztarrika will occupy the post over the next 3 years while Mr. Riemersma will do so for the next couple of years. The NPLD’S Chair will be in charge of providing leadership to the NPLD as well as setting the priorities and action plans of the Network over the next few years.

Patxi Baztarrika has emphasized the need to give a strong message to Europe and claim the vibrancy of Constitutional, Regional and Small-State languages. All the languages need to be included in the rhetoric of growth and jobs but languages are much more than that. They are closely linked to social cohesion, to the identity and values of people. Along the same lines, Mr. Baztarrika has insisted on the need is to work more closely with the European institutions but also to get to know more about each other’s linguistic realities, share best practices and make the case for lesser-used languages in Europe.

Boarne: NPLD

NPLD holds international Seminar on Best Language Practices in Europe

Within the framework of its Annual General meeting, and hosted by Folktinget, the Swedish Assembly of Finland, the NPLD has organized a Seminar aimed at exchanging best practices on language policy and planning across Europe. Under the title Language Encounters, participants have been able to discuss their initiatives on a wide range of issues such as language revitalization, immigrant integration, minority languages and the economy, immersion schooling in minority languages, bilingualism and multilingualism, among many other issues.

Participants in the Seminar include a broad range of language communities in Europe, from the Basque language community in Navarre and the Basque Country, the Frisians community in the Netherlands, the Corsican, Breton and Occitan in France, the Welsh, the Swedish community of Finland or the Catalans, to name only a few. All members have acknowledged the usefulness of the Seminar as a practical way to learn more about the different examples taking place in the different part of Europe.

This Seminar is part of the Annual NPLD’s General Assembly, in which a new NPLD Chair will be elected for the next 3 years.